Amazing prayers from the amazing God

The rosary that blinds satan

Many people give me a wide eyed look at hearing this, I did not invent this,Jesus and Mary gave this to a lady named "Elizabeth Kindlemann" and you feel the graces and the anointing when you say this rosary. And ofcourse, it is approved by the Catholic church. click here to know more

Holyface devotion

It is the devotion to the Holyface of Jesus and there are many beautiful promises associated with this. You know you are walking towards victory won by our Lord for you, when you say this. Click here to know more about this.

Protect your home

After all, people who you love live there and you spend an average of 14 hours at your home. Is it spiritually protected ? Blessing the home by a priest, having sacramentals (crucifix,medals,scapulars and house rosaries, all blessed by a priest), more than everything, praying in the home as a family creates an Godly atmosphere that repel negative spirits. There are catholic books for praying by the laity here.

Pray over your children

Did you know you have complete authority over your children ? And spiritually you can protect them completely in the power of prayer to Jesus, in his name ? Parents have complete authority over the children and can ward off evil spirits through prayers. Anoint them with Holywater(exorcised) in the morning and Holy oil (exorcised)in the night. A wonderful prayer here

Exorcism blessings of salt,water,olive oil and candle

If there can be anything to prevent, safeguard, treat us and all our belongings from the enemy, this is it. It is not widely used after Vatican II, but you can always request your priest to do this with these prayers. ONLY A PRIEST CAN DO THIS.