All for Christ, my Lord

Speaking engagements

I love speaking about Jesus and what he has done for me and what he can do for you. From one hour to a day of multiple topics, I can share my journey with Christ and get you ready for inviting HIM into your lives to make your own journey with Christ. You can contact me and i will be very happy to come to your parish.


Jesus asks me to speak from my life experience, that spans from "To Jesus thru Mary", "Why Catholic and Why not Protestant", "Marriage or Divorce", "Catholicism-Not idolatry","ifs, Buts, Mary", "7 sacraments- Why should i follow?","praying over Children aka war zone","New Age-Nothing new about them", "yoga- the open door for Demons","fine arts-the fine and not so fine","Hinduism-witchcraft-Islamism- connection ?",    Demons to Deliverance, "Chastity - The make or break"

Prayer Ministry

An interview about me in the NW catholic magazine

some testimony sessions

Interview with Divine television

Part 2 with Divine television


My podcast with a title close to my heart "Maid of the Handmaid"


A speaking session in Seattle about "Mary's help in day to day life"